Ziarul personal Octavian Andronic
25 Apr 2024 - 22:46
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3883 rezultate:

You are trying to view the publication titled "A început campania prezidențială!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "În pas vioi, spre salvgardare!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Clauza", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Anticipatele: acum ori niciodată!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Guvernul Tăriceanu pleacă. Vine Guvernul Blaga?", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Ascensiunea lui Băsescu putea fi oprită?", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Liniștea premierului dinaintea anticipatelor", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Petrol contra șpagă", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Metoda Țeparilor Strategici", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Un Watergate dâmbovițean?", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Poiana Mare pe 'altarul' rentabilității!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Dinu, în audiență la Călin!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Relațiile președintelui cu puterile", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Gripa cotroceană", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Cum se naște o tradiție", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Un pompier: ministrul Dobre!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Moștenitorii", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Bătălia pentru servicii", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Procentele respectului", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Justiția - ghiuleaua de la piciorul Aderării?", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Bogați și curați!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Tăriceanu: trezirea din pumni?", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Liberalii vor Republică parlamentară!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Cine n-are mătuși să-și cumpere...", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "'Cotele apelor Dunării...'", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Hai la lupta cea mare!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Edictul lui Eugen al XVI-lea: Să fiți sănătoși!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Moștenitori și donatori", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Curățarea politicii de afaceri", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Bombă cu efect întârziat?", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html

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