Ziarul personal Octavian Andronic
28 Apr 2024 - 20:12
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3883 rezultate:

You are trying to view the publication titled "Diversiunea 'Ticu'", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "România a început războiul cu irakienii!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Opaina - două pâini!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Armaghedonul XXL", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Pachetul cu dinamită", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "The Day After", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Năstase are doar 2 milioane de dolari?!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "De astăzi, lumea nu va mai fi aceeași...", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Tele-războiul secolului", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Există sau nu riscul atacurilor teroriste?", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "America și restul lumii", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Acest război ciudat...", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Teroriștii de lângă noi", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Bătălia pentru Saddamgrad!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Bâlciul deșertăciunilor", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Operațiunea 'Șoc și Groază' în Cișmigiu", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Generalul armatei moarte", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "'Furtună în deșert' - pe 'Lia Manoliu'", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "'Filiera irakiană' a lui Vanghelie", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Și gazonul e rotund...", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Francofilia n-a salvat România!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Big Brother în Casa Fotbalului", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Sindromul 'tirului prietenesc' acut atipic", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "George Orwell: '2003'", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Povara victoriei", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Pe Saddam l-au dat jos tancurile americane", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Unde sunt armele de distrugere în masă?", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Slăbiciunea noastră pentru americani", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Avertismentul lui Guest", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Incredibil, dar adevărat: doar 200.000 dolari pe capul lui Saddam!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html

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