Ziarul personal Octavian Andronic
26 Apr 2024 - 03:53
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You are trying to view the publication titled "O altfel de diaspora...", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
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Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Simbolul Păvălache", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "CNSAS Show!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Pedofilia (nu mai) salvează România!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Dracula Park - soluția finală!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Duplex terorist Moscova-Washington", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
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Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Între declararea și controlul averilor...", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Demisia de onoare", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Funcționarii - căpușă", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Drama ostaticilor de la Moscova și de pe Kursk", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
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Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Memorialistica - efect al eșecului?", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
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Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Minoritarii minorității...", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Politica de anticipație", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Ziariștii după gratii", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "PI-ul salariului mediu", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Parchetul General ar trebui să se sesizeze despre falsurile senatorilor!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Terorism sau teribilism?", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Poanta cu Ponta", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Pisica moartă - în curtea justiției!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Spiritul de cârcoteală la români", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Romii - cei mai europeni dintre români?", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Buturuga de la Cotroceni", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Dreptul la propria imagine goală", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Dacă eram noi în locul bulgarilor...", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Remaniere și la Cotroceni?", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Programul social "Brânza și măslina"", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Praga, după Madrid...", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Istoria se repetă", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Praga, via Varșovia", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Corespondență specială pentru Washington Times*", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html

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