Ziarul personal Octavian Andronic
20 Apr 2024 - 09:53
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3883 rezultate:

You are trying to view the publication titled "Protestul automobiliștilor", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
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Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Dulăi și căței comunitari", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
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Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Generalul armatei de contabili proști", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
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Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Pensionarii militari: șah-mat la Guvern?", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Calculele recalculării recalculărilor", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Un proiect solid: alianța PSD-PNL", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
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Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "De la "sistemul ticăloșit" la "statul ticălos"", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
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Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Cacealmaua benzinei", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
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Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "După 20 de ani...", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
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Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Profitorul din umbră al "revoluțiilor de iasomie"", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Trecerea Meșterului Valeriu", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Cum e când îți dă statul țeapă...", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Câinii comunitari și maghernițele identitare", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Codul Penal și Circul Mediatic", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Ideologia "bunei guvernări"", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Instituția ȘPĂGII", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Un președinte dezamăgit", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Cutia Pandorei", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Remember "Drumul Kentului"", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Iluzia libertății", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Înlocuitorul lui Boc: Boc!", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Se caută premier...", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Un premier ungur? De ce nu? ", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Cu degetul pe rană", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Cine este contra...garantării?", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled ""Sacrificiul" Reginei", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "UDMR: Triumful pragmatismului", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Bamboo: pepiniera de cadre a "administrației de cumetrie"", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Generația de sacrificiu", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html You are trying to view the publication titled "Săptămâna schimbării", but no template has been created for publication type 5 (format 'list').
Please ask administrator to create a template for this publication type.

Expected template filename: PunctulPeY-list.html

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